Tuesday, July 30, 2013


i am human.  you are human.  we are all human.  //  i make mistakes.  you make mistakes.  we all make mistakes.

If you have a problem--guilt, depression,  addiction, or anything else--tell someone.  don't be afraid or embarrassed.  we are all human.  we all have problems.  and no problem is worse than another.  we are all equal.  so don't judge anyone and don't be afraid of being judged.  if you hold on to your problem, it doesn't end well.  so tell someone and i promise things will get better.
i've been hearing a lot of suicide stories lately, so i felt that God wanted me to share this.  just because you feel alone or out of place in this world, does not mean you don't have purpose.  God has a plan for your life, you simply have to trust him.

much love,

Sunday, July 7, 2013

the 6th of july

I took ballet class the morning of july 6th and when i got home, i was exhausted.  so i wrapped myself in a blanket and watched tv for a few hours.

then my dad called and told me and my sister to go outside because we had been watching tv "all day".  so lucy got her uke and we jammed in the backyard.

then, after dinner, we discovered the city was having a fireworks show by the carnival.  it was pretty lame, but i still enjoyed it since i literally saw about 5 fireworks on the 4th.  

happy 4th/6th of july !

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

memphis outing w/ mamma

A few weeks ago, i stayed in memphis for a fun little weekend with my mom.  we went to see the famous peabody ducks & i did a dance photoshoot with my aunt.  here are just a few of the pictures she took:

check out her Facebook page: Daisy Lu Photography !

ps. sorry that i haven't posted in like 2957349509 years, my summers are extremely busy.  but that's how i like them.