Friday, September 20, 2013

full moons & mermaids

you know that moment when you find a really great show on netflix and you watch all 3 seasons in about 3 weeks?  yeah, that happened to me recently. i just might be slightly obsessed with h2o: just add water and Mako Mermaids.  i'm such a kid.
anyways, yesterday was a full moon so i went swimming and may or may not have grown a fish tail... you'll never know.

also, i finally learned how to photograph the moon!  bump up the aperture and slow down the shutter; it takes a lot of experimenting.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

braids & that funny thing called life

braids: the quick & easy way to get nice looking hair.

sometimes i wish i could just french braid my life, if you know what i mean.  sometimes i want to take the easy way out instead of trudging forward even if it's a long way ahead.  but then i realize that the journey is part of the fun, its part of your story, and its part of what makes the finish line so exciting.  so run your life's race, & don't take shortcuts !

Sunday, September 1, 2013

florida [via my canon]

Here are the rest of the beach pictures (finally!) as promised.  i'm so sorry for taking so long, i've just been really distracted lately.  but here they are, so enjoy!
^^ we stayed one night in georgia and decided to explore a little while we were there.  & by "explore", i mean visit a graveyard.
^^ our condo was so so cute.  first thing we did was play in our room!
^^ attempt at taking an artsy photo using a slow shutter... it kinda sorta worked ish.
^^ oh, y'now, just a turtle casually strolling down the sidewalk.  it was about the size of a football, too.
^^ Kyle, looking all mysterious under the awesome light in our condo.
^^ i woke up way too early for these.
^^ typical Tucker children
^^ i can officially cross "ride a segway" off my bucket list.  so much fun!

Okay, well that's all i've got for you.  hope you all are enjoying this school year! ...if that's possible.